
It's like a dream, or a nightmare, which ever you prefer

I'm going to start reporting a piece of news like this everyday that I am able from now on. I found this story particularly enjoyable! Miller Brewing Co. has always been relatively supportive of the queer community, at least in their marketing efforts. One such juicy advertisement, shown above, was to be displayed during San Francisco's famous Folsom Street celebration of local Leather and Fetish groups and pride. It's more or less a depiction of the Last Supper...but with S&M! Naturally the ad was met with severe complaints from religious groups, the Catholic Church in particular, and Miller asked that it be pulled from the event to avoid a boycott. It makes one question just how powerful a boycott from the Catholic Church would have on a company that brews beer! Personally, I think the advertisement is delicious, but then again I've always been a whore for religious desecration and black Jesus.

But what do other people think about this issue? Feel free to either leave a comment or write to qlisted@gmail.com and I'll post your entry!



Damn! They beat us to it!

The amazing, the incredible, the illustrious, the vivacious Jhani Miller came into the office today with a particularly rich and inspired idea...to make a new video based off of the Gardasil HPV vaccine drug commercials as a project for her health class. "One Less!" so the campaign goes. The idea developed into one of those make your own jingle competitions where I would show up randomly and say "One less..." like a pure gangsta, as absurd as that sounds! Little did we know a bunch of 14 year-old wannabes beat us to the punch! Oh and cervical cancer...keep on fighting!



It's true, in fact. Scanner Dan, a vocal opponent of Brother Jed, was seen the other day in the vicinity of one of the Brother's demonstrations, fighting of course against all of the cruelties and injustices of the world! No one can talk them down like him. We solute you, Scanner Dan...one of these days I'm going to petition for one of those skylights that you see in Batman to shine on the clouds whenever the aid of Scanner Dan is needed against said injustices and annoying State Street condemnations of souls of innocent passers-by...

In someone else's shoes

A poem by John Tao

What are these boulders?
What are these weights that drag me down?
They'll bounce,
they'll flounce,
they'll pounce.
But they aren't mine.
These chains do not belong to me.
Though they stare balefully through the mirror.
Eyes dark, puffy, and accusing.
Telling me,
molding me,
forcing me.
But they aren't mine
I do not choose to be who I am
But body of mine I make the choice to live as who I am
And you aren't going to drag me down.


Strike a Pose

Introducing a whole new way to volunteer for the CC: being you, being fabulous, and being shot! By my camera that is. The Campus Center is trying to create a new image-theme to use for advertisements, logos, flyers, desktop backgrounds, etc. and we need as many people as we can get to participate! We want a diverse group of people from all walks of life to show interest so don't be afraid or feel insecure! Just strike a couple simple poses and become one of the new images of the LGBT CC! Contact cschultz3@wisc.edu or 608.265.3344 to get involved! Tell all of your friends too.

My two favorite flavors: Queers and Leadership

Over the summer I was approached by my dear friend Marissa from SLP to volunteer to work on a flyer for a program that Student Leapership Program and the LGBT Campus Center were to be co-presenting. It was called the Queer Emerging Leaders Program and it promised to be "a leadership series that has been specifically developed to focus on the leadership needs and interests of the LGBT Community. All workshops are focused around LGBT topics: coming out, being out in the workplace, conflicts within the queer community, being an ally within and outside of the LGBT community, and serving the broader community."

This Thursday, September 27th, is the beginning of the 8-week session, starting with an informational meeting at 5:30 pm, TITU Memorial Union! This is going to be a great experience, and all are encouraged to come, whether it be for building your resume as a leader or networking or simply meeting a ton of new, fun people. Pizza will be provided!


Who Will Rise Up? Oh it's him again.

Here we go. You know, the new semester and classes, people getting adjusted, and let us not forget large, loud men in red suspenders standing on Library Mall, attempting to connect two positive ends of an electrical cord to simulate the ineffectiveness of gay sex! Yes that's right, Brother Jed Smock of the Campus Ministry has returned to save us all.

My dear friend and roommate Carly had one fun story to tell about the minister himself:

On my way back to the apartment, I happened across crazy preacher man and an established crowd of jeerers. Among them, sitting almost at the preacher's feet like some smelly disciple, was Scanner Dan. While I was watching, and crazy preacher man was spewing his hate-filled sermon about how if you don't fear his construct of God you will burn in Hell forever, Scanner Dan shouted out 'You like diarrhea!'"

He's amusing. He's controversial. He's hard to miss. Some of us have his business card with a bloody sword, and some of us have his book, entitled Who Will Rise Up? with statements like "I can't blame you girls for not wanting to submit to one of these drunken fraternity boys, or drug crazed hippies, or sex fiends or rock n' roll freaks," or "the AIDS virus is 50 times smaller than the tiniest pores of the latex codom," implying that the virus can travel through those pores, which is in fact completely false. But one thing is for sure, all of us have an opinion about Brother Jed.

So what's yours? Let QListed know and let's start a discussion!

"Feel free to do things for no money!"

That's what lifts us up, right? Builds character! And resumes! Well on that note, the Campus Center just concluded another successful fall semester Volunteer Kickoff last night. Buttons were made, the first legendary season of Project Runway played in the background while all of the creative designers crafted art albums out of folded paper sacks, and I tiptoed around the crowd yelling "designers" as if Tim Gunn had inherited my being...well actually I was more or less imitating Tim Gunn's imitation from that oh-so-famous episode of MadTV. I also more or less realized that guacamole-making is basically in my nature.

But in case you were unable to attend, here are some of the many ways to get involved and volunteer in the LGBT community this semester:

1) National Coming Out Week is taking place Sunday, Oct. 7 until Saturday, Oct. 13th. Events are taking place every day of the week from low-key coffee-talk hours to the Coming Out Week TPS Dance to highly acclaimed theater performances like "MotherSON"! We would love to have people help publicize by chalking or posting flyers, and telling all of their friends about the events!

2) Interships. The Campus Center is looking for fun students to help out the staff with job-specific duties. You can help our Educational Outreach Specialist coordinate speaking events, or our Event Coordinators prepare for programming in the near future such as Tansgender Day of Remembrance or World AIDS Day, or you can help yours truly make advertisements, press releases, photo projects, or just get my coffee...actually I hate coffee, make it iced tea.

3) LGBT Speaker's Bureau. Have a story to tell? Want to inform fellow students and faculty about issues related to sexuality? Am I selling this effectively? Just kidding. The Speaker's Bureau is an excellent and immensely successful program involving students that schedule engagements in UW classes, student organization meetings, and even at local high schools. Help everyone become better informed about the gay!

4) Mentoring. The Campus Center does in fact have a mentoring program! If you feel you need guidance with LGBT issues in your life or you need help coming out, or getting adjusted after coming out, consider connecting with a mentor! Also, if you feel you could help someone with these challenges, just contact Angela at the CC and show your interest!

5) Homecoming. If you're favorite movie is But I'm a Cheerleader than this event is for you! Every year the Campus Center builds a big gay float to enter into the Madison Homecoming Parade. We need all the volunteers we can get! Come help design and build the float, or help march in the parade and show your pride during homecoming!

So I'm sure there's other stuff, but we can talk about it later...time to watch Rick and Steve.


A poem by Brian Dammier.

A milk white shoulder illuminated by the moon so full
Glows translucent like a specter in the night

Limbs intertwined
A large blue blanket tucked to the corner of the bed

Sounds of restless souls inhabiting the endless night float through thewindow
Heard in the distance like the last tremblings of a long forgotten storm

Counting the freckles on your back
Until the long, vestigial breaths of sleep arrive

A warmth radiates through our bodies
The glow of two hearts beating in unison

A kiss on your neck
Slow and calculated

A lover’s goodnight



Hello, everyone! This is QListed. Anyone who considers her or himself a fan of deliciously trashy celebrity gossip blogs might realize that QListed is decidedly similar in name to Dlisted, a personal favorite in my opinion! But hopefully it does not turn out to be so similar in concept. My name, which will be alluded to for the final time in this first posting, is Cory Schultz and I'm the administrator of QListed, which means that I will be providing the daily updates of what is going on in the LGBT Campus Center, LGBT issues on campus in general, and maybe a personal thought here or there! But What I'm really more interested in is what you have to say.

If you have any pieces of creative writing, poetry or spoken-word, or a personal essay, or a burning desire to discuss or debate a topic in the LGBT or Multicultural community, or even if you want to share a funny experience that happened to you on any particular day or you want to announce an event, just email
qlisted@gmail.com or contact me either by calling the Campus Center or stopping in the office on the 2nd floor of the Memorial Union. All entries will be considered on a daily basis, and they will be looked over by myself before being posted only for the purpose of keeping the blog a safe-space (protecting it from hate-mail, rude comments, etc.).

So spread the word! Submit an entry! Submit 5! And most of all just have fun! Thank you for enduring my unusual amount of bubbliness...