
What would Bobby do?

Thank you, John Tao, for submitting this excellent piece of news!

Famous bisexual pornstar Bobby Blake is coming out with a new book in May 2008 entitled My Life in Porn. But the book apparently isn't so much about porn as it is his recent reversion to Christianity!

Now an extremely conservative preacher in Tennessee, he is actually pursuing a career in criminal justice due to his vehement opposition to gay marriage, despite having had sex with hundreds of men. The real kicker, though, is that when you visit his website (would you expect any less of me?), the intro to the flash site consists of the covers of all of his previous movies, but upon entering all you see is news of his book and his ideology!

From a marketing perspective...I can respect that...

Here is the link to his site. Enjoy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Tee hee! "Reversion" to Christianity... that makes me giggle!